Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Is the Medical Mafia Really Active?


क्या मेडिकल माफिया सही में सक्रिय है?  :-

नीचे दी गईं कुछ बातों को अपने जीवन से तालमेल करते हुए विचार करें कि........

Is the Medical Mafia Really Active? ,

Keeping some of the following things in sync with your life, consider that………

See the history of last 7-8 Years :-) 

1. Promoted cigarettes first.

2. Then promoted the fatal refined.

3. Opposed to pure mustard oil and desi ghee.

4. In place of native cow's milk and honey like nectar for children, cancer factor sikkmed milk powder was promoted.

5. Promoted 7 days old bread instead of khichdi.

6. Promoted sea salt in place of rock salt.

Why have the standards for diabetes and blood pressure kept changing?

8. Why did stopping the practice of giving instructions to eat and drink at the time of illness helped in increasing the spread of other diseases?

9. Birth of a child due to operation, ever-increasing knee transplant, life-long blood pressure and taking diabetes pills, is there a mafia's vicious circle?

Did the medical mafia promote all this for your good ️

1.Did any medical mafia tell you that the root of the problem of high blood pressure (BP), uric acid and other acid etc. is tea?

When I gave up tea, both the problems also left me behind.

2.Did any medical mafia tell you about the root of diabetes (sugar) wheat flour? That if you use the mixed flour of jowar, millet, barley, gram, then diabetes will leave you behind!

3. Has any medical mafia told about the desi khanda which does not contain any chemical in place of chemical containing sugar?

4.Did any medical mafia tell about the headache caused by cold water in the fridge? I gave up on cold water after that my headache was gone!

5 Has any medical mafia told the air of AC to hinder the process of sweating of the body, which over time causes kidney and heart disease due to lack of natural cleaning of the body?

6. Has any medical mafia advised to take sunbathing in place of harmful vitamin D,

It is advised to take lime tablets instead of calcium tablets which lead to constipation.

It is advised to eat citrus fruits instead of vitamin C tablets.

In place of zinc tablets, it is advised to drink water in copper leaf in the morning.

7. Now chowmin, momos which are being sold in the street, have ever heard from any medical doctor about the harm caused by maida, ajinomoto and acid that someone got abstinence??

The result of this will be a terrible cancer, which will earn life's earnings, give it to them in the name of medicine and lose their lives. The pain will be different.

There is talk of lifestyle diseases but why is there no talk of lifestyle improvement?

If the medical mafia will give you the right advice, then it will lose its hands to the patient and the other.

Either this so-called-

MEDICAL SCIENCE is false or its intention is wrong. It is your choice to believe or not to believe. In today's time, the lakhs and crores which are spent in becoming a doctor, they will have to be forced out from somewhere.

But do consider all these questions, some other questions may have come in your mind, think about them and move on.......

Your health is in your hands and not in the hands of the doctor.

*Primary health education is very important for all of us.


क्या मेडिकल माफिया सही में सक्रिय है?  :-

पिछले 7-8 साल का इतिहास देखें :-)

नीचे दी गईं कुछ बातों को अपने जीवन 7-8 साल  से तालमेल करते हुए विचार करें कि........

1.पहले सिगरेट को प्रमोट किया ।

2. फिर प्राणघातक रिफाइंड को promote किया ।

3. सरसों के शुद्ध तेल और देशी घी का विरोध किया ।

4 .बच्चों के लिये अमृत समान देशी गाय के दूध और शहद के स्थान पर ,कैंसर कारक sikkmed milk powder को promote किया।

5.खिचड़ी के स्थान पर 7 दिन पुरानी ब्रेड को promote किया।

6.सेंधा नमक के स्थान पर समुद्री नमक को promote किया ।

7.मधुमेह एवं रक्तचाप के मानक क्यों बदले जाते रहे हैं?

8. बीमारी के समय खाने पीने के निर्देश देने की प्रथा बंद करके क्यों अन्य बीमारियों को बढा़ने में सहयोग किया गया?

9. आपरेशन से बच्चा पैदा होना, घुटनों का निरन्तर बढ़ता प्रत्यारोपण, जीवन पर्यंत रक्तचाप व मधुमेह की गोलियां खाना क्या कहीं माफिया का कुचक्र तो नहीं?

क्या मेडिकल माफिया ने इन सबको आपकी भलाई के लिये prmote किया ⬇️

1.क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने आपको बताया कि उच्च रक्तचाप (BP) , URIC ACID और अन्य acid आदि की समस्या की जड़ चाय है ?

-- मैंने जब चाय छोड़ दी दोनों समस्याओं ने मेरा पीछा भी छोड़ दिया ।

2.क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने आपको मधुमेह ( शुगर) की जड़ गेहूँ के आटे के बारे में बताया ? कि अगर आप ज्वार ,बाजरा ,जौ , चने के मिश्रित आटे का प्रयोग करेंगे तो मधुमेह आपका पीछा छोड़ देगा!

3. क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने केमिकल युक्त चीनी के स्थान पर देशी खांड जिसमे कोई केमिकल नहीं पड़ता उसके बारे में बताया ?

4.क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने फ्रिज के ठंडे पानी से होने वाले सिरदर्द के बारें में बताया ?  मैंने ठंडा पानी छोड़ दिया उसके बाद मेरा सिरदर्द से पीछा छूटा! 

5 क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने AC कि हवा से शरीर कि पसीने से होने वाली प्रक्रिया मे बाधा बताया जो कालान्तर मे शरीर कि प्राकृतिक सफाई न होने से  किडनी व हृदय रोग का कारण बनता है? 

6.क्या किसी मेडिकल माफिया ने हानिकारक विटामिन D के स्थान धूपस्नान लेने की सलाह दी,

कैल्शियम की गोलियों जिससे कब्ज़ हो जाती है उसके स्थान पर चूने की गोलियों के सेवन की सलाह दी,

विटामिन C की गोलियों के स्थान पर खट्टे फल खाने की सलाह दी,

zinc की गोलियों के स्थान पर प्रातः ताम्रपत्र में जल  पीने की सलाह दी।

7.अब चाउमिन, मोमोज जो गली गली बेचा जा रहा है उस के मैदे, अझिनोमोट्टो व एसिड से होने वाले नुकसान के बारे मे किसी भी मेडिकल डाक्टर से कभी सुना है कि  किसी ने परहेज करवाया ?? 

इस का परिणाम भयंकर कैन्सर होगा जो जीवन भर कि कमाई, दवाई के नाम पर इन को दे दो और जान से हाथ धो बैठो । दर्द जो होगा वह अलग ।

*जीवनशैली रोगों की बात तो हो रही है परंतु जीवनशैली सुधार की बात क्यों नहीं हो रही? 

अगर मेडिकल माफिया आपको सही सलाह देगा तो एक तो यह इससे हाथ धो बैठगा दूसरा रोगी से

या तो यह तथाकथित- 

MEDICAL SCIENCE  झूठी है या इसकी नीयत में खोट है ।  मानना न मानना भी आपकी मर्जी है। आज के समय डाक्टर बनने में जो लाखों-करोड़ खर्चा आता है वो मजबूरन कहीं से तो निकालना पडेगा।

लेकिन इन सब प्रश्नों पर विचार अवश्य करें, कुछ और भी प्रश्न आपके मन में आये होंगे उनको भी विचारें और आगे बढ़े........

आपका स्वास्थ्य आपके हाथ में है न कि डॉक्टर के हाथ में 💯 ℅

*प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य शिक्षा हम सभी के लिए अति आवश्यक है।

Why it is Harmful to be Busy all the Time By Nehha S Kotharie

 Why it is Harmful to be Busy all the Time ?

By Nehha S Kotharie

All of us complain about being too busy, yet we continue to cram our day to the brim. Being busy and stressed all the time isn’t good for your body or your mind – it can have negative effects on your life and your health in particular.

Understanding the dangers of being too busy starts with a grasp of how the body responds to stress. Stress is the root of many of the physical, mental, and relational issues that come from the constant state of busyness.

A stress response is an innate protective physiological response to a perceived threat in our environment. When we sense danger, the body releases adrenaline to prepare us to escape the danger and endorphins to numb us to pain. Our heart rate goes up, muscles become tight, our senses get hyper-sensitive and we get a massive physical power boost that prepares us to run from danger.

However, the long to-do list causes anxiety and stress. Besides, being busy and being productive are not the same thing. 

 ❓What to do: Release the urge to constantly occupy yourself. Avoid trying to get as much accomplished as possible. Both the quality of your work and your health will suffer. 

 To get rid of this habit, apply the following methods: 

 Identify the three most important things to do for the day and focus on them. 

  •  Rest from electronic devices. 

  •  Don't settle for everything just out of politeness, appreciate your time. 

  •   Remind yourself that your self-worth does not come from being productive or busy. Come up with a mantra that expresses what self-worth means to you or why you love yourself and try to recite it everyday.

  • Make it a priority to spend time with your loved ones. Doing so can help you feel connected, loved, and energized.

  •  In the morning, think about how to spend your day so that it is aligned with your values and brings you closer to your goals.

  • Set appropriate expectations for yourself when it comes to how much you can comfortably take on and know that this may change over time.

So before we waste our time, we all need to set boundaries and allow ourselves to breathe. In fact, make time to do nothing. Make time for a picnic or a movie. Make time to watch the sunset. Don’t forget your WHY and miss the life you have.

Nehha s Kotharie

Soft Skills Trainer, Graphologist, Parenting Coach.


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