Business Leadership Tips to Adapt to Change By Padmashri Kadam Creative Content Writer

Business Leadership Tips to Adapt to Change

By Padmashri Kadam Creative Content Writer

Are You a Flexible Business Leader? Leaders who display Adaptability are Flexible. They look forward to seeking new and innovative ways to solve problems, master new skills. Hurdles are viewed from a different perspectives as a challenge rather than a threat — all needed to prevail through uncertain times.

As a Business Leader, your responsibility is not only limited to responding to Change in the workplace, but you also have to steer Change. Follow these 5 tips to effectively Adapt to Change and guide your team forward:

Be Curious

Make sure to be curious and clear all your doubts. Explore yourself, and consider before you judge and decide.

Be Ready to Change Plan

Be ready to implement plans B and C if plan A is not working.

Get Support

Release burden by getting support from your mentors, friends, coaches, trusted peers, professional colleagues, family members, and others to serve as your support system in times of Change. Also, encourage employees to do the same.

Be clear

You need to have absolute clarity about your own emotions and thoughts about Changes, so you can direct your message in a simple and easy manner with others.

Discover Something New

Try to learn and discover something new by joining activities, meeting new people, and trying new things regularly.

This can be better understood with a story:

A depressed young woman went to her mother and told her about how her life was going and how things turned so hard for her. She was discouraged not knowing how to proceed and wanted to give up. She had enough of fighting and struggling. The moment one problem was solved, a new one turned up. 

Listening to this, her mother took her to the kitchen and filled three pots with water, placing each on a high flame. Within a few minutes, the pots started to boil. In the first pot she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the third, she placed ground coffee beans. She allowed them to sit and boil. After twenty minutes she turned off the burners and fished the carrots, eggs, and coffee out.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "So, tell me what you see?" “Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. Her mother then brought it closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She could feel that they were soft. The mother then told the daughter to break the egg. She started pulling off the shell and observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, she allowed her daughter to sip the coffee. 

The daughter smiled as she tasted the rich aroma of the coffee. "What does this mean, mother?" her daughter asked. Her mother then explained that each of them faced the same adversity i.e boiling water and they reacted differently. 

The strong, hard, and unrelenting carrot softened and became weak with pain and adversity; it wilts and becomes soft losing any strength after being subjected to the boiling water. The fragile egg where its liquid interior was protected by hard outer covering, hardened in the pool of boiling water. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. With the boiling water, they changed the water giving you a rich flavor filled with aroma and taste. “Which one are you?" She asked her daughter. "How do you respond when a problem knocks at your door?”

So, are you a Carrot, an Egg, or a Coffee Bean?

Padmashri Kadam 

Creative Content Writer

Business Leadership Tips to Adapt to Change

By Padmashri Kadam Creative Content Writer

Are You a Flex

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