Showing posts with label #Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Blogging. Show all posts

Create Good SEO  Content Outline for Your Long Blog Post

How to Create Good SEO  Content Outline for Your Long Blog Post 

Creating a good SEO content outline for your long Blog post is essential for organizing your thoughts, improving readability, and optimizing your content for search engines. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an effective SEO content outline:

Understand your target audience: 

Start by defining your target audience and understanding their needs, interests, and search intent. This will help you tailor your content to provide relevant and valuable information.

Conduct keyword research: 

Identify relevant keywords and phrases related to your topic using keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs. Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition that align with your target audience's search intent.

Craft a compelling headline: 

Create an attention-grabbing headline that incorporates your primary keyword. It should be clear, concise, and enticing to encourage readers to click on your article.


Write an engaging introduction that provides an overview of what your Blog post will cover. Hook your readers with a captivating opening statement and briefly outline the main points you'll discuss.

Outline the main sections: 

Divide your content into main sections or subheadings based on the key points you want to cover. This helps both readers and search engines understand the structure of your content. Consider using H2 and H3 tags for subheadings, as they provide structure and improve readability.

Keyword optimization: 

Assign relevant keywords to each section or subheading of your outline. These keywords should align with the search intent of your target audience. Aim for natural integration of keywords while maintaining readability and coherence.

Provide supporting details: 

Under each subheading, jot down bullet points or brief descriptions of the information you plan to include. These can be facts, examples, statistics, or any other supporting details that add value to your content.

Incorporate visual elements: 

Identify opportunities to include visual elements like images, infographics, charts, or videos within your outline. Visual content enhances user experience and can contribute to better SEO rankings.

Conclusion and call-to-action: 

Plan a conclusion that summarizes the main points covered in your Blog post. Include a compelling call-to-action (CTA) that encourages readers to engage further, such as subscribing to your newsletter, sharing the post, or leaving comments.

On-page SEO elements: 

Consider additional on-page SEO elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, and URL structure. Ensure that your primary keyword is included in these elements to optimize your content for search engines.

Proofread and optimize: 

Review your content outline for coherence, readability, and flow. Make sure your subheadings are clear and descriptive. Look for opportunities to improve the organization of your ideas and refine your keyword integration.

Remember, your content outline serves as a roadmap for creating your long Blog post. It helps you stay focused, organized, and ensures that your content aligns with SEO best practices.

Kajol Kapura Soren

HR Head







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@Kajol Kapura Soren












 #Create,  #SEO,   #Content,  #Long,  #BlogPost,

#Blogging, #freelancing, #writing, #seo

What Should You Choose as a Career: Blogging or Content Writing? By Urvashi Arya

What Should You Choose as a Career: Blogging or Content Writing?

By Urvashi Arya







Working from home and earning money with our writing skills appears to be a dream job. What should you do if you wish to pursue a writing career? There seem to be so many options, but this does not make it easier for new authors to know where to begin.

You must first comprehend what you can accomplish with your writing skills to make a career. There are other jobs available, but in this essay, I'd like to focus on two of them: blogger and content writer.

What Do Content Writers and Bloggers Do?

The purpose of a blogger is to create unique and intriguing blog content. It could be their blog, a business blog, or a collection of blogs from various clients. Though a corporate style can limit a blogger's creativity, most bloggers are encouraged to share their minds and let their personalities shine (especially when it comes to less corporate and more personal blogs).

Bloggers are famous for two reasons: they produce unique content and have much knowledge in their industry. It is conceivable for a blogger to work in multiple niches simultaneously; however, this does not often happen, primarily due to time commitment.

The content writer specializes in writing website content. This may look like a copywriter's job, and it is. On the other hand, copywriters develop a wide range of written content, whereas content writers focus solely on websites.

Unlike bloggers, who typically stick to one niche, content writers are more adaptable because they accept requests from various businesses. Their purpose is to produce high-quality content that provides the audience with all the information they require about a website, a product, or a service. Furthermore, they do not have the same freedom as bloggers to express personal and outspoken viewpoints. Instead of representing oneself, the content writer must represent their organization or clients.

Which Career Should You Choose?

There is no typical response to this. Blogging may appear more enticing to some writers, but it is not a simple task. When you start your blog, you must know how to write fascinating content and advertise it, optimize it for SEO, engage with your readers, etc. You must also study other skills that may appear unrelated to the writing process. For example, no blog would be complete without a design, and while there are plenty of free templates available online, you'll need to learn how to use them (as well as various plugins that will help you in your work).

If you want to pursue a career as a blogger, you should be aware that it always takes some time before you start making substantial money. There are numerous ways to make money from your blog. For example, you may work with various ad services, write product reviews, sell your items, or charge users for additional information. However, before you can begin doing this, you must first make your blog popular - which may take some time and effort.

This isn't to say you shouldn't give it a shot. If you want to blog and make money simultaneously, you can sell your blogging services on several freelance platforms or find another writing job that will pay you while you work on your blog.

Another thing is content writing. To begin working, make an account on one of the most prominent freelance platforms, build a portfolio, and start looking for clients. Even if you don't locate any clients in the first week, you'll start being paid soon enough. And if you're excellent at it, you'll be able to develop your particular brand.

This isn't to say that having good writing skills is all one needs to be a successful content writer. You'll also have to learn a lot and put in much effort to write texts that carry the content to the audience and are SEO-friendly.

Although these two jobs are different, they both demand devotion and strenuous effort to succeed. You're in luck because you don't have to select right now. You can attempt both occupations to discover which one provides you the most joy and results in the most success. Alternatively, if you try and still can't decide between two of them, you can combine them.

For example, you can generate money by writing content and trying to create and promote your site simultaneously. This way, you'll have a well-paying career and a hobby that could potentially become a source of money.

In this scenario, I propose pursuing a different niche than the one you're currently employed in. Switching between your writing styles is one of the most challenging aspects of merging these two careers: a content writer must be more professional, whereas a blogger can be less formal. Switching between these styles may be more difficult if you try to write for the same niche. Furthermore, picking a particular place for your blog will divert your attention.

Urvashi Arya   

Urvashi Arya - Content Writer - Vantage ITeS Consulting | LinkedIn