The Basics of Blogging By Urvashi Arya

The Basics of Blogging

By Urvashi Arya






A Blog is a Weblog published on the internet to provide information or facilitate conversation. It usually comprises little, dairy-style posts (text entries). The most recent posts are displayed at the top of the Blog, while older posts are displayed in contrary chronological order at the bottom. Until 2009, Blogs were focused on a single topic or issue and were administered by a single individual or a small group. MABs (Multi-Author Blogs) was introduced in 2010, allowing several authors to publish and update content on Blogs.

MABs receive a significant amount of Blog traffic from colleges, advocacy groups, think tanks, newspapers, and other media outlets. With the rise of many "microBlogging" services, particularly Twitter, single-author Blogs and MABs were combined with the news media.

In 1990, advances in web publishing techniques allowed anyone with little technical knowledge of computer programming or HTML to make comments, resulting in the birth of Blogs. Computer enthusiasts and programmers largely utilized the early Web, and producing content on the Web required an understanding of file transfer protocol and HTML.

Visitors to an interactive Web 2.0 website in the 2010s had the option of leaving an online comment, which set them apart from other static websites. Blogging is similar to using a social networking site. Bloggers provide content for websites, which allows them to connect with their readers and other Bloggers.

Commenting on a Blog allows readers to voice their thoughts on a particular topic or subject. Blogs can be used as an individual's diary or an online advertisement for a company, brand, or individual. A typical Blog post includes written content, images, and connections to other related Blog entries or web pages.

Each Blog post has a commenting function that allows readers to voice their opinions online. The popularity and expansion of Blogs can largely be attributed to the online commenting feature. In high-readership Blogs, commenting is frequently unavailable.

Offensive comments and hate speech, on the other hand, are censored by the Blog author or owner. The majority of Blogs are based on text, although others specialize in photography (photoBlogs), art (art Blogs), video (vlogs), audio (podcasts), and music (music Blogs) (MP3 Blogs).

EduBlogs are used to give information for educational reasons. MicroBlogging is the practice of posting very brief content on a Blog. Twitter is the most well-known example of microBlogging.

Users can also run and maintain Blogs on Instagram and Facebook.

Blogs are classified into various categories based on the written material and how it is produced or delivered.

Personal Blogs: Rather than being administered by an organization or corporation, personal Blogs are run by a single individual as an online commentary or diary. Few personal Blogs have become popular because they only have a few readers, such as close relatives, friends, and coworkers. On the other hand, a few personal Blogs have grown in popularity and now make money through sponsored adverts. Only a few personal Bloggers have become well-known in offline and online communities.

MicroBlogging is posting little digital content on the internet, such as photographs, short videos, links, text, or other media. MicroBlogging allows users to communicate organic, spontaneous, and portable manner. Because the posts are short and easy to read, microBlogging is popular. Politicians and celebrities use it to announce concert or event dates, tour schedules, lectures, and book releases, while corporations offer beneficial materials or plan meetings. Using add-on tools, Blogs can be updated and interact with various programs. These communication options open up a world of possibilities. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Weibo are just a few examples.

Collaborative Blogs or group Blogs:

Multiple authors contribute to and maintain group Blogs. A single issue or specialties, such as activism, politics, or health, focuses on high-profile collaborative Blogs. Collaborative Blogs have been increasingly popular in recent years, increasing their quantity. They're usually founded by seasoned Bloggers who pool their resources and time to make administering a website and drawing significant amounts of traffic and readership easier.

Aggregated Blogs: Corporations or individuals may combine feeds on a given product, service, or product to provide readers with a consolidated view. As a result, the reader may concentrate on reading rather than managing subscriptions and looking for great content. Planet (software) does these aggregations, hence the name Planet.

Types of Media:

A vlog is a video that contains a Blog, a linklog is a link that contains a Blog, a sketch Blog is a website that contains a sketch portfolio, and a photoBlog is a Blog that contains images. 

Timber logs are Blogs featuring a variety of media kinds and shorter posts. Blogs typed on a typewriter and scanned subsequently are known as typecast Blogs. The Gopher Protocol hosts a unique sort of Blog. 

By Genre:

Journalism Blogs, political Blogs, travel Blogs (travelogues), book Blogs, health Blogs, fashion Blogs, gardening Blogs, lifestyle Blogs, house Blogs, photography Blogs, wedding Blogs, psychology Blogs, project Blogs, niche Blogs, education Blogs, quizzing Blogs, classical music Blogs, legal Blogs (blawgs), or dream logs are all examples of Blogs that are centered on a specific subject. Tutorial/How-to Blogs have recently gained popularity. The two most prevalent genre Blogs kinds are music and art Blogs. Discussions about family and home can be found on mom Blogs. Splogs are Blogs created only for the aim of spamming.

By Device: A Blog's kind can be determined by the technological equipment used to create it. A moBlog is a kind of Blog writing on a PDA or mobile phone. Wearable Wireless Webcam was an early Blog that featured photographs, videos, and text sent live from an EyeTap device and wearable computer to a website. Sousveillance is a term for semi-automated Blogging that includes both text and video. These journals are frequently used as evidence in legal cases.

Organizational and corporate Blogs: Blogs are often private, but non-profits, businesses, and governments can also use them. Employees only have access to corporate Blogs, which are utilized internally via an intranet. Corporate Blogs improve communication, employee engagement, and corporate culture. Corporate Blogs disseminate information about corporate operations and policies, boost staff morale, and foster esprit de corps. Organizations and businesses use publicly available external Blogs for branding, marketing, and public relations. Some of the company's Blogs are produced by executives, but the majority are ghostwritten in the style of the claimed author. Clubs and societies run group Blogs, club Blogs, and other similar Blogs, which provide information to members and the general public.

Urvashi Arya   

Urvashi Arya - Content Writer - Vantage ITeS Consulting | LinkedIn

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