Motivation for Illness

Motivation for Illness


"So far you have survived the 100% of your worst days you are doing great."

Were you seriously very ill ?

Could'nt you go for work ?

Missed your important meeting or any important event of your life?

What next???

Thinking if it is the end !!??

Is it that you are in this world to give up?
I don't think so.....

Stop thinking.... start working !!!

It's never too late you might get new opportunities maybe better than before. Why to cry over past things and waste your present provided destroying your future!

"There are two days in a year that nothing can be done one called yesterday and other is called tomorrow so today is the right day to lovebelievedo, and mostly live" - Dalai Lama

The things by which you can recover fast : -

▪stay with your friends 
▪never stay alone number 
▪ take care of yourself 
▪ stay positive 
▪do things which you enjoy doing it or watch those kinds of programs which you like 
▪take the steps by which you can improve your health and do not ignore 
▪focus at one thing at a time 
▪set small goals

"Recovery is a process
 it takes time.
 it takes patients.
 it takes everything. you've got!!!!"

When 'I' is replaced by 'we' even illness  become Wellness.

Now stop wasting your time and start working!!!!

Simran Kumari
B.Tech (CSE)
2nd year

#Motivation for Illness

Habits Of Successful People

Habits Of Successful People

Being successful is what we all desire for, but then it takes years of smart decisions both professionally and financially in order to climb the steps of success. In order to success full, a person should be having proper habits inculcated in him so that his things are organized and his goals are also very clear and easy to achieve. According to the surveys conducted it has been found out that at present who are the millionaires are all have come up this way along with their self-made habits and a strong determination. Some of the habits one can imbibe in order to succeed are as follows :

Ø Waking up early: one should be able to wake up 3 hours priory before their actual work is being started this is because they get a free time tackle their personal projects, and make proper plan for the day and make time for the things which are important for them, the most time sophisticated one is the more successful he would be.

Ø Imbibe reading habit: the process of learning for an individual never stops. One should make it a point that at least 30 min of reading is must every day. Reading for entertainment like comics and fashion magazines won't take you anywhere its better if we prefer biographies, history and self-help books to improvise our brain and broaden our scope of thinking.

Ø Focused thinking : one should be having a habit of thinking on the aspects that will affect them such as the work they do should be done properly with 100% concentration on the work they are doing if they are not able to focus its better they take a good rest and make sure when they come back and do the same job they do it with concentration. The quality of the work will be improvised in such case.

Ø Exercises: in order to make your head clear and the day more motivated than being lazy and feeling dizzy the best way is to exercise daily. This will help you to activate your cells for the rest of the day and you will be doing the work with more interest and actively.

Ø Spend time with people who inspire you: tagging with the people who inspire is the best way to learn the way they do things and imbibe those qualities in you. The motivation that you get when you are with the people who inspire is something that cannot be put into words. The relationship you maintain should also be good for them and when you chose a person make sure that person is your best choice.

Ø Pursue your goals: if you think of a something to do make sure you turn into a goal, goals can be short-term as well as long-term you have to make sure that you are each and every action that you are doing is getting you a step closer towards the goal. Never leave things incomplete and be determined and strong and let not situations win over your goals.

BBA Second Year, Bhavan's

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By: Akkumahanthi Sowmya
      BBA Second year, Bhavan's
Twitter: @sowmya_12

2G Verdict

 आप किसी पर उसके मोटापे को लेकर  तंज कसते है. जब वो नाराज हो जाता है तो कहते हैं ‘ये तो मजाक था’. मजाक यह नहीं होता. मजाक यह होता है- 
सात साल पहले एक आदमी ने कहा कि एक लाख छिहत्तर हजार करोड़ का घोटाला हुआ है. दूसरे आदमी ने इस घोटाले की बात को जनता को समझाने के लिए आंदोलन चलाया. उसके साथ तीसरी औरत,चौथा आदमी भी जुड़ा. पांचवें आदमी ने 2G घोटाले को जनता को समझाने के लिए एक और आंदोलन चलाया. छठा आदमी इसे सुप्रीम कोर्ट लेकर गया. सातवें आदमी ने इन सब आदमियों की मेहनत को कंपाइल  करके जनता से इस घोटाले के खिलाफ वोट मांगा..सात साल बाद..सभी आरोपी बरी हो गए..यानी घोटाला हुआ ही नहीं था..

अब पहला आदमी(विनोद राय) पद्म भूषण पाकर bcci का बॉस बना हुआ है. दूसरा आदमी दिल्ली का सीएम है. तीसरी औरत (किरन बेदी) उप राज्यपाल है. चौथा आदमी (जनरल वीके सिंह) मंत्री है. पांचवां आदमी(रामदेव) अरबों का कामयाब बिजनेसमेन बन गया. छठा आदमी(सुब्रमण्यम स्वामी) सांसद बन गया.और सातवां आदमी प्रधानमंत्री बन गया.. और आप ? .. सही मायनों में मजाक इसी को कहते हैं...मुस्कुराइए आप भारत में हैं.. 😡😡😡

# 2G Verdict

 You tense about someone's obesity on someone. When he becomes annoyed, he says, 'It was a joke'. The joke is not it The joke is this -

Seven years ago a man said that a scam of one lakh six thousand thousand crores has happened. The other man started the agitation to explain this scam to the public. With him the third woman, the fourth man is also connected. The fifth man launched another movement to explain the 2G scam to the public. The sixth man took it to the Supreme Court Seventh man compiled the efforts of all these men and demanded a vote against the scam from the public .. after some years .. all the accused were acquitted..It was not a scam.
Now the first man (Vinod Rai) has got the boss of BCC after getting Padma Bhushan. The second man is CM of Delhi. The third woman (Kiran Bedi) is the deputy governor. The fourth man (Gen. VK Singh) is the minister. The fifth man (Ramdev) became a successful businessman of billions. Sixth Man (Subramaniam Swamy) became MP.And the seventh person became the Prime Minister .. and you? .. In the right way, the joke says this ... smile you are in India .. 😡😡😡

I was Still a Child of four

I was still a child of four
And was in a process to grow
There were numerous unreasonable questions in my mind
Although I did not had mind to mind.

I had to ask those silly questions out
To the only person I knew well in this crowd
I used to ask her flooded of questions to answer
And at last usually got a Secret Smile.
Now that similar questions questions were repeated to me
But now here it was my daughter of three
Today I realized my mother being great 
And of course that secret smile being no longer secret!


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