Samosa Wala

एक बहुत बड़ी व्यावसायिक भवन के पास एक समोसे बेचने वाला प्रतिदिन कोई 1000 समोसे बनाता और साम 5 बजे से ले कर 8 बजे के बीच बेच कर चला जाता। समोसे की गुणवत्ता उसके मांग को बढ़ाती जा रही थी लेकिन समोसे वाला लालची नहीं था इसलिये 1000 से अधिक नहीं बनाता था। 
न ही उसने कोई आदमी रखा था जिससे उसकी गुणवत्ता में कोई समझौता करना पड़े। समोसे के साथ चटनी भी लाजवाब थी इसलिए सभी उसके समोसे के लिये अग्रिम जमा करने लगे। जाहिर है समोसे बनाने वाला अधिक पढा लिखा नहीं था लेकिन साफ सफाई की अहमियत उसे पता थी इसलिये भले ही वह अपने ठेले पर समोसा बनाने बेचने का काम करता लेकिन साफ सफाई पूरी रखता था। इस बिक्री से उसे प्रतिदिन लगभग 5000 का फायदा हो जाता था, सभी खर्चे निकालने के बाद।
उसका एक बेटा ऊंची पढ़ाई कर लौटा था। एक दिन पहलेअपने पिता के व्यवसाय को देखा। और पिता से उसमे बदलाव लाने को कहा जिससे अधिक मुनाफा कमाया जा सके।
उसने समोसे की साइज कम कर दी। चटनी की गुणवत्ता भी उनमे मिलाए जाने वाले तत्वों के कारण गिर गयी। बचे हुए तेल को भी पुनः इस्तेमाल करने की सलाह दी ताकि खर्च कम हो। और कुछ अन्य बदलाव। समोसे वाला इन बदलावों से खुश तो नहीं था लेकिन बेटे के आगे मजबूर था।
पहले दो दिन अच्छा लाभ हुआ। खर्चे हटा कर भी करीब 7000 से अधिक का लाभ हुआ लेकिन 30 दिनों में समोसे की बिक्री प्रभावित होने लगी। जहाँ लेने वाले लाइन लगा कर लेते थे, अब समोसे बचने लगे। जल्दी ही उसके व्यवसाय की हालत खराब हो गयी। जिसका कारण समोसे की गुणवत्ता में कमी बताई गई। इस प्रकार अब समोसे बचने के कारण उनकी संख्या कम होने लगी। अब लाभ भी प्रभावित होने लगा। दो महीने में ही बिक्री दस फिसद्दी रह गयी। धीरे धीरे समोसे वाला मायुष हो कर दुखी रहने लगा। 
उसे ये सब चोंचले समझ नहीं आते थे।
एक दिन उसने अपने बेटे को समोसे के काम से अलग कर दिया और फिर से सब कुछ स्वयं ही संभालने लगा। जल्दी ही उसका काम अपनी पुरानी रफ्तार से चलने लगा।
मूल प्रश्न का जवाब:
कम पढ़े लिखे लोग दिल के साफ और ईमानदार होते है। लेकिन ये भी सच है कि अपवाद हर प्रकार के लोगो की श्रेणी में है। 
कुछ कम पढ़े लिखे लोग मंत्री बन कर देश को लूट रहे है और कुछ अधिक पढ़े लिखे लोग भी दिल की आवाज सुनते है और ईमानदार रहते है।

A Samosa seller was there near a very large commercial building, which use to prepare 1000 samosas every day.  The  Samosas use to sell  between 5 pm to 8 pm. The quality and taste of the samosas was very good so the demand of the samosas was increasing day by day. The samosa vender was not greedy so he didn't increase the number of samosas on the daily basis. He was continuously preparing 1000 samosas per day.
Neither he hired any helper not he compromised with his quality. Chutney was also spicy and yummy with Samosas, so everyone started making advance deposits for their samosas. Although the samosa vendor was not literate much but he knew the Importance of Cleanliness. So though he used to sell samosas by his hand, but keeping the importance of hygiene and cleanliness. He used to get around Rs.5000 per day from this sale, after deducting all the expenses.                      
One of his Son had returned from higher education. One day he  saw his father's business. And asked the father to change it so that more profits can be made.
He reduced the size of the Samosas. The quality of chutney also fell due to the elements added to it. The remaining oil is also advised to be reused so that the expenditure is reduced. And some other changes. Samosa wala was not happy with these changes but was forced in front of the son.

Good gains were made on the first two days. More than 7000 profit was made by removing expenses, but in 30 days, samosa sales started getting affected. Where the takers used to line up, now samosas started escaping. Soon his business condition deteriorated. Due to which the quality of samosas was said to be low. Thus, due to the avoidance of samosas, their numbers started to decrease. Now profit also started being affected. Within two months, the sale fell to ten percent. Slowly Samosa started to become miserable and sad.
He did not understand all these things.
One day he separated his son from the work of samosas and again started handling everything by himself. Soon his work started running at its old pace.
Answer to the original question:
Less educated people are clear and honest of heart. But it is also true that the exception is in the category of every type of people.
Some less educated people are robbing the country by becoming MLA, MP and Ministers and some more educated people also listen to the voice of the heart and remain honest.

A samosa seller near a very large commercial building would make 1000 samosas every day and the goods would be sold between 5 am and 8 am. The quality of the samosa was increasing its demand, but the samosa was not greedy so it did not make more than 1000.
Nor did he hire any man to compromise his quality. Chutney was also excellent with samosas, so everyone started making advance deposits for their samosas. Apparently the samosa maker had not written much but he knew the importance of cleanliness, so even though he used to sell samosas on his hand, but kept the cleaning clean. He used to get around 5000 per day from this sale, after deducting all the expenses.

One of his sons had returned from higher education. One day before saw his father's business. And asked the father to change it so that more profits can be made.
He reduced the size of the samosas. The quality of chutney also fell due to the elements added to it. The remaining oil is also advised to be reused so that the expenditure is reduced. And some other changes. Samosa was not happy with these changes but was forced in front of the son.

Good gains were made on the first two days. More than 7000 profit was made by removing expenses, but in 3 days, samosa sales started getting affected. Where the takers used to line up, now samosas started escaping. Soon his business condition deteriorated. Due to which the quality of samosas was said to be low. Thus, due to the avoidance of samosas, their numbers started to decrease. Now profit also started being affected. Within two months, the sale fell to ten percent. Slowly Samosa started to become miserable and sad.
He did not understand all these things.
One day he separated his son from the work of samosas and again started handling everything by himself. Soon his work started running at its old pace.
Answer to the original question:
Less educated people are clear and honest of heart. But it is also true that the exception is in the category of every type of people.

Some less educated people are robbing the country by becoming ministers and some more educated people also listen to the voice of the heart and remain honest.

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