Reading Skills

Reading Skills :--

# What Is Reading Skills :--

Improving your Reading Skills will reduce unnecessary reading time and enable you to read in a more focused and selective manner. You will also be able to increase your levels of
understanding and concentration. This guide shows you how to read with greater efficiency and effectiveness by using a range of different reading skills.

Reading skill is acquired in a relatively predictable way by children who have normal or above-average language skills; have had experiences in early childhood that fostered motivation and provided exposure to literacy in use get information about the nature of print through opportunities to learn letters and to recognize the internal structure of spoken words, as well as explanations about the contrasting nature of spoken and written language; and attend schools that provide effective reading instruction and opportunities to practice reading.

Discrption of any of these developments increases the possibility that reading will be delayed or impeded. The association of poor reading outcomes with poverty and minority status no doubt reflects the accumulated effects of several of these risk factors, including lack of access to literacy-stimulating preschool experiences and to excellent, coherent reading instruction.

In addition, a number of children without any obvious risk factors also develop reading difficulties. These children may require intensive efforts at intervention and extra help in reading and accommodations for their disability throughout their lives.

Learning to read is an Exciting time for Children and their families. While thrilled by their Children’s emerging literacy and reading skills, many parents are surprised to learn that reading is not automatic and that, regardless of family background, children require support in learning to read and developing strong reading skills. Most adults forget that acquiring reading skills required skilled instruction.

A language-rich Environment forms a solid foundation on which reading skills including decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension are based. Mastery of decoding comprises understanding print concepts, phonemic awareness and phonics and is usually attained by the end of second grade. Some skills, such as vocabulary development, will grow as long as children are challenged by involvement in a rich language environment.

The Reading Skills Pyramid Visually Depicts the patterns of concept Acquisition that children follow in becoming successful Readers up through third grade. We recommend a high level of parent involvement in this process by providing high quality educational materials, establishing a pattern of daily reading, creating a rich language environment, and discussing your child’s progress with teachers and following up on their recommendations. While most children follow the same sequence of acquiring literacy skills, they do so at their own pace. All children are different: if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress in reading, contact his or her teacher. 

# 4 Types Of Reading Skill :--

1. Skimming

2. Scanning

3. Intensive

4. Extensive

Skimming :-
Skimming is Sometimes referred to as gist reading. Skimming may help in order to know what the text is about at its most basic level. You might typically do this with a magazine or newspaper and would help you mentally and quickly shortlist those articles which you might consider for a deeper read. You might typically skim to search for a name in a telephone directory.

Scanning :-
Picture Yourself Visiting a Historical city, guide book in hand. You would most probably just scan the guide book to see which site you might want to visit. Scanning Involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across sentence and is used to get just a simple piece of information. Interestingly, research has concluded that reading off a computer screen actually inhibits the pathways to effective scanning and thus, reading of paper is far more conducive to speedy comprehension of texts.

Intensive Reading :-
You need to have your aims clear in mind when undertaking intensive reading. Remember this is going to be far more time consuming than scanning or skimming. If you need to list the chronology of events in a long passage, you will need to read it intensively. This type of reading has indeed beneficial to language learners as it helps them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of words in context. It moreover, helps with retention of information for long periods of time and knowledge resulting from intensive reading persists in your long term memory.

Extensive Reading :-
Extensive Reading Involves reading for pleasure. Because there is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading it is unlikely that students will undertake extensive reading of a text they do not like. It also requires a fluid decoding and assimilation of the text and content in front of you. If the text is difficult and you stop every few minutes to figure out what is being said or to look up new words in the dictionary, you are breaking your concentration and diverting your thoughts.

# Importance of Reading Skills :--

Whether you are Engaged in a Novel, pouring over a newspaper or a just looking at a sign, reading skills allow you to Interpret and become engaged in the world around you. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Reading is the single most important skill necessary for a happy, productive and successful life.” Developing those skills takes active engagement from an early age.

Reading to Learn 

Children today have many Opportunities to gather information. Books are not the only tools children are exposed to. Using a Smartphone, reading from an electronic tablet or researching on a computer has opened the floodgates for finding and accessing information. A student with the reading skills necessary to access and use information is not just learning to read but also reading to learn. With proper reading skills, he or she can explore topics ranging from how spiders spin silky webs to the details of the Wright brothers' first flight in North Carolina.

Successful Students :-

Whether the author is writing to inform, persuade, give directions or entertain, he or she is communicating to his or her audience. A person who can read has the ability to empathize with and connect to the characters in a story. A reader builds background knowledge about many different subjects that he or she can later use. Students with the necessary reading skills can later develop writing and language skills necessary for academic and professional success.

Creating Lifelong Readers :-

Fluency, Decoding and Vocabulary Development are needed to Comprehend written material. Readers use these skills to Interpret and understand written words on a page. They read often from a wide variety of materials. They read to find out more about the world in which they live and use that information to improve their lives. Lifelong readers think critically about what they’ve read and make connections to their own lives. They apply their skills in language and writing development.

## 8 Tips to Help Students Build Better Reading Skills :-

1. Annotate and Highlight Text
Teach your Students to highlight and underline valuable information as they read. Have students write notes on the pages they are reading to help them stay focused and improve Comprehension. Students can also write down questions as they read to receive more explanation on a new concept or to define a new word.

2. Personalize The Content
Students can increase their understanding by seeing how the material connects with their life. Have your students make personal connections with the text by writing it down on the page. You can also help students comprehend the text by helping them see an association with current events.

3. Practice Problem Solving Skills
Blend real-world problem solving skills into your curriculum. Have your students write out solutions to the problem and discuss their ideas as a class or in small groups.

4. Incorporate More Senses
Add in activities that reinforce learning and comprehension by using more senses as they read. Remind students to read with a pen or pencil to annotate the text. Have your students take turns reading out loud. Use projectors to guide your lesson and write down questions for those who are visual learners.

5. Understand Common Themes
Ask your students to look for examples of a certain theme throughout the chapter to increase engagement. Have students share their findings with the class to help students learn a specific theme more in-depth.

6. Set Reading Goals
Have each student set their own reading goals. This can help them take action in building reading skills and students will be more mindful of how they are improving.

7. Read In Portions
Long, complex reading can be more digestible by breaking it up into pieces. Shorter segments will help students retain the information as the class discusses the materials. It can also help students build confidence in understanding a complex subject.

8. Let Students Guide Their Reading
Your students process reading material and curriculum in very different ways. As you implement reading activities to help your class learn complex materials, you will learn what works best for each student individually.

Thanks & Regards, 
Saurabh Jain
Android Developer
AeroSoft Corp
Mob No - 9907031431



















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